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High Temperature Conveyor Dish Machine (ADC-66


Quality & Reliability… As tempting as it may be, a Conveyor cannot be built just to perform…
It must be built to Survive.

All these features are Standard on the ADC-66. While other manufacturers may offer these same features as Add-Ons”…
at American Dish our machines are COMPLETE & READY TO RUN.

ADC-66 Conveyor

  • Reliable pre-wash
  •  Unrivaled cleaning ability
  •  Best performance of all listed 66” conveyors
  •  Rated for dual sanitizing
  •  66% less water than industry average
  •  244 racks per hour – .49 gallons water per rack
  •  Auto fill and shut-off standard


  • Auto Fill No Operator Controls
  • Low Water Consumption
  • No Circuit Boards Quiet Operation
  • Rack Saving Conveyor Drive 244 Racks per Hour
  • 360 Sq. in. of Washing Action Auto Cut-Off
  • High Capacity Heaters Self-Purging
  • Wide Opening Access Doors 11 Gallon Wash Tank with Safety Interlock
  • 3 HP Wash Pump
  • Skirted Motor Compartment Dual Rinsing System
  • Heavy Stainless Steel Construction

If theses people at ADS are so smart, just exactly what do they know? They know, for instance:

1) Most customers buy a dishmachine as a tool for their business; they expect it to work all day.
When service work is done, it is usually emergency calls and the person will have limited experience,
few tools, no parts, and little time.
2) Not being able to get clean dishes is a big problem
3) Not having health department heat/chemical limits is a big problem
4) Having leaks is a big problem
5) Not starting is a big problem
6) Always broken down is a big problem
7) Plastic is NOT our friend, rubber only marginally
8) Leaking of chemical liquids is certain
9) If it can be put in upside-down, it will be
10) Rotating Arms are far better than stationary sprays but require an extraordinary bearing
11) Rinsing is the hardest thing for a dishmachine to do
12) Few materials will survive hot, caustic, chlorinated, garbage, under water and pressure
13) Key parts must be strong (commercial grade) or the operation stops
14) Rough use is expected, ourtright abuse is likely
15) Most common repairs should be easily accessible
Those are only some of the tests put to each design


Spec Sheet

ADS Conveyor Dish Machine 66″ High Temp Right to Left (ADC-66 HIGH R-L)

Excluding Sales Tax |
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